Alum Creek Tree Quiz
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#1. Name this shrub ? European privet
European privet, Ligustrum vulgare
(Oleaceae, the olive family)
#2. Name this tree ? white mulberry
white mulberry, Morus alba
(Moraceae, the mulberry family)
#3. Name this tree ? tree of heaven
tree of heaven, Ailanthus altissima
(family Simaroubaceae)
#4. Name this tree ? Callery pear
Callery pear, Pyrus calleryana
(Rosaceae, the rose family)
#5. Name this tree ? honey locust
honey locust, Gleditsia triacanthos
(Fabaceae, the legume family)
#6. Name this shrub ? staghorn sumac
staghorn sumac, Rhus typhina
(Anacardiaceae, the cashew family)
#7. Name this woody vine ? grape
grape species, Vitis sp.
(riverbank grape or frost grape)
(Vitaceae, the grape family)
#8. Name this tree ? pin oak
pin oak, Quercus palustris
(Fagaceae, the beech family)
#9. Name this shrub ? Amur honeysuckle
Amur honeysuckle, Lonicera maackii
(Caprifoliaceae, the honeysuckle famiy)
#10. Name this shrub ? black raspberry
black raspberry, Rubus occidentalis
(Rosaceae, the rose family)
#11. Name this tree ? black locust
black locust, Robinia pseudoacacia
(Fabaceae, the legume family)
#12. Name this shrub ? autumn-olive
autumn-olive, Elagnus umbellata (Eleagnaceae, the oleaster family)